Monday, June 24, 2013


Maoshan Connie: i m reading tung bridge why is he so ging 我諗佢識我三倍嘅中文字 which is a lot if u think abotu it
Desiree Wong HAHAHAH tung bridge i m yellow happy ( == ) you are cat close (and the manic mode continues*) do u like tung bridge more or dragon ans table more
Maoshan Connie i wanan know too who do u like most u must like some advance people like white house easy
Desiree Wong HAHAHAHAHAHA i like cat close cat born

Maoshan Connie i think 董橋 and 龍應台 has really similar aspects, but also very differnet aspects 龍應台sometimes write thinsg that everyone can write. her writing is more of a work of research and observation dong bridge is like passionate towards those crazy things
more like personal diary
dong bridge work is like so in depth, but he isnt researching, cuz it's his love but some are like obscure, because it's so niche 字畫 可以寫幾億個字 形容啲字形 my god listen to this:

Desiree Wong wow sounds 龍應台 work is placed on 台面 for discussion, while 董橋 need to 細味 self read under the bridge HARK xd

Maoshan Connie SHIT ._. can i add this into quotes LOL our conversation can become a blog (btw, i just typed conversation wrong as conservation, i already naturally does that) 說是每讀一翦舊夢,彷彿歲月倒流,滿懷是背心、木屐、飛機欖. 的迷濛煙雲,恰似寂靜的寒夜傾聽宮前流水隔世的鳴咽 i mean u know if there's such thing as 文字b b 班, i think i am more in the line of 龍應台, and you are in dong bridge's class, urs is too high to aspire and i am not saying that i am in any way close to their distance level what do u think, how many people in hk read 董橋 i wonder it seems so common in my social circle but then how about the rest of the wordl

Desiree Wong conversation vs conservation = epic-ly aw awwwwwwww aw not ally wang aw chi sin
Maoshan Connie: people's description of mr. bridge「可以說把漢語和漢文化的魅力發揚光大」。張瑞芬 則說「他的文字靄靄含光,如同在晚香玉吐納的巷弄裏篩下點點悟桐月影。我們 何其有幸,才能讀到這樣好的作家的作品」
Desiree Wong those god level i m amoeba ; i m jst a punctuation mark if those god level is a dictionary
Maoshan Connie and u can see the traces of poems ancient chinese unprecedented ways of using words, but not wrong deep but with few words wth 
Desiree Wong goosebump-ly godo good* 
Maoshan Connie 難怪董橋經過數十年賣文生涯後,有這樣一則自許的剖白: 「我扎扎實實用功了幾十年,我正正直直生活了幾十年,我計計較較衡量了每一 個字,我沒有辜負簽上我的名字的每一篇文字」 MY GOD die duc i just died
Desiree Wong 我扎扎實實用功了幾十年,我正正直直生活了幾十年,我計計較較衡量了每一個字,我沒有辜負簽上我的名字的每一篇文字 omG
Maoshan Connie 做到這樣太不容易

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mixed Drinks and Mischief

Perfect storm: Skipper's dark rum mixed with honey, fresh lemon, ginger juiceand a dash of plum brandy.

Overdraft: banks of 5 island white rum, rhum orange, lime, sugar,clover bitters. Robust and refreshing.

flaneur: vodka and Plymouth sloe gin shaken with fresh lime and vanilla,then topped with bubbles.

Milky rivers: Ellija Craig 12, clove bitters and maple syrup,shaken with fresh apple and lemon juices. Topped with dry apple cider.This is a cocktail for the inspired artists.

Louis Balfour: Talisker single malt scotch, LBV port. Amer picon and honey. A gentleman and a scholar.

My Kampaloma Soda combined Kamm and Sons Ginseng Spirit, blanco tequila, cane sugar syrup, lime and grapefruit and its description as being “a quick vacation in a long glass” was spot on; bitter, sweet and sour with just the right kick of tequila

Tokyo Collins: beefeater gin and yuzu sake, stirred with fresh lemon and grapefruit. topped with soda. Long and very refreshing

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Street Study

Borrow this space to put the happy valley project stuff I did last year.

Friday, July 9, 2010


larva n. (昆蟲的) 幼蟲
發音記憶:讀音近似於 "lover" --> 幼蟲是兩條蟲子愛情的結晶


Sunday, June 27, 2010



6,7月的香港, 總是熱鬧哄哄, 今年外掛很多很多鐵馬和vuvuzela , 你能不愛這夏天嗎?

Monday, May 31, 2010


又回家了,這次是從上海。飛來飛去,完全沒有感覺,一點都不像昨天仍在酒店般。回來以後又聽到同樣的東西,見到同樣的人,不錯。認識了些古怪人仔,弄得我喝perrier也彷彿high 到醉了。世界上充滿了很多很多可愛的人,令我感到很快樂,不知道這些是真快樂還是假象。我猜是真的,但昨為一個「六號人」的我,應該未能完全滿足。

Sunday, May 30, 2010

達賴lama 0的 dilemmazzzzz ...

dilemma 乘以 dilemma,偽裝誰是誰那杯茶。


Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Monday, May 3, 2010


Anyway, the point being - Bridge of Sighs.

去過見過在牛津劍橋的嘆息橋,都是用石頭建築的密封式拱橋建築 - covered stone bridges。總是有很浪漫的故事在背後,甚麼男主角跟女主角深夜在橋上相遇相會私奔之類,at least they tell you so! 劍橋的學生好似好鍾意將d車掛在橋下面。

今天起床無聊未訓醒wikipedia Bridge of Sighs, 才知道第一條嘆息橋是在水都威尼斯。
wikipedia 話: 嘆息橋的兩端連接法院與監獄两处,死囚通過此橋之時,常是行刑前的一刻,因感嘆即将结束的人生而得名;
How dramatic!

最近很喜歡聽的廣東歌都有嘆息橋的意像,包括何韻詩的嘆息橋,張敬軒的追風箏的孩子。hocc 唱的是威尼斯,孩子卻似在學院城裡追著風箏。


成事嗎 沒有緊要
願已許了 就滿足了

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


[Trainspotting - Danny Boyle]


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Youtube Playlist


1) Sometimes love just ain't enough - Patty Smyth and Don Henley
2) Someone - Suen Yanzi
3) Each new day - Rose Melberg
4) Little Bird - Eels

How about you?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

星期日只能吃 brunch 和 tea 。

「Breakfast 和 Lunch 是星期一至六吃的,星期日還吃,就唔型,星期日只能吃 brunch 和 tea 。」 by 黃偉文

型啲唔型啲啦 =P

Friday, April 9, 2010


Dear all,

Please teach me to appreciate the supposed-beauty of imperfection.


Yours Sincerely,
Holing Yip

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quietly Brilliant


哈哈 其實換新機都不錯,就好像剪頭髮一樣,煥然一新,神清氣爽。何況,在一段感情中,電話的角色也許比髮膚更纏綿。

My first Smartphone.
I quite like HTC's slogan :


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Seaside Cafe

屋企係咪好cafe,睇書,寫dissertation,有hedgy,blackie 同好多好多毛毛陪住,外面好大風

Monday, April 5, 2010


[The Acid House - Irvine Welsh]


的時候 沉睡著

的時候 清醒著




Decadence of Colours

The flavours are great, but what is most mesmerizing has to be their colours. Turns me into a Gollum.

Pretty little precious.

Hong Kong, my love

Ho mei dic
Tofu flower + Green tea sth ice
Very very happy ah, SING K WOR!
Wong yan's Dark Mocha 無敵 @ Elements


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ithaca, again.

Maoshan's other post makes me so emotional and I think of this poem, and it just never ceases to move me.

Copying my comment on Maoshan's blog, on the notion of searching for the perfect place.

"So true, so true, we do so much to search for what we think is better, more beautiful, brighter, all with a little hope embedded inside. Sometimes I cant help thinking that to arrive at that better place is not the point, but the process, the journey, in which you strive so hard, go through so much pain and uplifting moments, sacrifice so much, taking a leap of faith...That maybe itself is the better place, the striving to arrive at one...when you think about it, actually arriving at the perfect place may be such an anti-climatic moment...given the amount of things you have seen on the way, no?

There're these stanzas in my favourite poem - “Ithaca” - Constantine P. Cavafy (1911). To search for Ithaca, was the grandest voyage after all.

Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would have never set out on the road.
She has nothing more to give you.

And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithaca means."

In search of a perfect place

To find a perfect place. (to work on dissertation, to buy a perfect round cake) 

12,000 years ago, we had reached a key moment in human history. With the exception of the islands of the Pacific, human beings had settled the whole habitable world since then. We seem to be hard-wired to keep moving, to want more, to find out what's beyond the next hill. 

Facing some green trees, quite a nice and quiet place on the very very periphery of Central district. 

Michael Palin: 'In myself I've always been very restless and, from when I was very small, interested in where I wasn't, [in] what was over the horizon, [in] what was round the next corner. And the more you look at the history of 'homo sapiens', it's all about movement, right from the very first time they decided to leave Africa. It is this restlessness which seems a very significant factor in the way the planet was settled by humans. It does seem that we are not settled, we think we are, but we are still looking for somewhere else where something is better - where it's warmer, it's more pleasant. Maybe there is an element, a spiritual element, of hope in this whole thing. You know, that you are going to find somewhere that is going to be wonderful. It's the search for paradise, the search for the perfect land - maybe that's at the bottom of it all, all the time.

Walked pass many old favourites today, form 5/6 IFC *bugs, even though I no longer love... but there is a special link still. 
Found my perfect birthday cake today, so no more sweets, back to strict healthy life plan tmr! 
Found also a great place to work on dissertation.
Met old friends and new friends. Thought of a potential new lamp idea, as a gift to the winner of my bday party. 
Love no.1 IFC rooftop (and of coz my dynamic friend - in my distant memory, u love to run) 
Pic no. 2, Vanilla. The process of searching for a cake, accidental all black clothes - Architect look
Love no.3, all the little cafes along my favourite walk these days - Cyberport to Central 

Searching for the perfect cake... 

Paradoxical, a lot of paradox. 
But beautiful Hong Kong, you are so beautiful. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Big Four

我仲想睇小野麗莎 =P

Friday, April 2, 2010


Hong Kong yuen loi hai gum ho.. no expectation, that's why so goooood
I want more macarooons

@ London Terminal 5, someone's working too hard

Friday, March 26, 2010

Maoshan in Hong Kong

讓那蝸牛遊行遊進櫃裏 天鵝湖移民小杯裏 搬到這裏 陪我們定居 
Maoshan will be secretly going back to Hong Kong next week, but as mentioned, secretly. dun want everyone to know, so ma fan. Maoshan will have an artjamming birthday party, people need to dress up as colourful as possible. and we will have many small canvas, and everyone needs to paint something for me and with a HUGE cake, (i already called Jerry) The person who wears MOST COLOURFULLY gets a PRIZE! 二十三歲的今天﹣為世界添色彩!!! that could be a Ms. HK slogan. In my LPC application i said about wanting the world to be more colourful (in terms of fashion) - to john green in my interview
I haven't had a huge cake for ages. probably i can pay for the party and have a wish list, i want: hand made card, white flower, bear, stuffed animal, love, love, fun, children's book, fun time; play me a song. 

People who are allowed to the party include:
Jaci| my special guest | Rachel (whom I wanna meet with WWS immediately in Sift); Nick Chan | vb | Wai Sum - who has disappeared, and I am ultra annoyed | Joyce Lee (my little love, a siu mui mui from St. Stephen's) | Niki (my little sunshine, another siu mui mui from St. Stephen's) | Man Ki and Steve (two other little kids)
Desiree Wong Yan is not on this list because she never failed to 甩底
Others like Holing, Michelle and Mattchiu are welcomed to the magic community under the big red mushroom virtually. Too bad you are not here, seriously, i wish nei dei are here! 
Also Deborah - who wears COLOURFUL EVERYDAY; and Kitty who knows a lot about CAKES

I will be living in Happy valley starbugs with my dissertation together with vb, come visit me
紅色屋頂 經已在你面前 靜靜懸掛著 讓你那小鹿避雨 休班天使下凡 
也可請他進內用晚餐 陪著你 陪著我 平靜過 全日最安定時間 

人生誰說一定只是藍 看你從那條門縫著眼  幸福 著色 完全隨你揀 
讓那珊瑚同炑陪你睡去 彩虹長年橫跨房裏 
 這個世界 大概總有誰 能容納沒處去的怪人 
 撐著屋頂 守下去

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

101 small pleasures you can enjoy every day

Since one of the key tenets of happiness is being able to savor small pleasures, here's a list of 101 delights that are worth enjoying today (not all in one day, though!). Let's try to come up with 101 more in the comments!

  1. coloring (yes, grown-ups can do it, too)
  2. crisp cotton sheets
  3. soft skin
  4. old family recipes
  5. the first daffodils of spring
  6. sleeping in
  7. an exercise endorphin high
  8. window boxes
  9. a perfect cup of coffee
  10. a genuine compliment (giving or receiving)
  11. the way babies smell
  12. a handwritten letter
  13. waking up in a good mood...for no real reason
  14. singing in the shower
  15. finding a couple forgotten dollars in your pocket
  16. doing something nice for your neighbor
  17. a home cooked meal
  18. laughing
  19. movie theater popcorn
  20. playing hookey
  21. a bubble bath
  22. swimming
  23. an afternoon nap
  24. street musicians
  25. your favorite song
  26. saying thank you
  27. helping someone in need
  28. old fashioned photo booths
  29. fresh whipped cream
  30. inspiring blogs
  31. a glass of wine
  32. rainy afternoons
  33. the funny things kids say
  34. a novel you can get lost in
  35. finding the perfect piece of clothing...on sale
  36. clean laundry
  37. the wind in your hair
  38. treating the person behind you at the drive-thru
  39. sharing an umbrella
  40. the smell of lavender
  41. a long walk that clears your head
  42. a bear hug
  43. The Beatles
  44. smiling at a stranger
  45. eating with chopsticks (Chinese food optional)
  46. butterflies
  47. staying in your pj's all day
  48. singing along to the radio and knowing all the words
  49. fresh herbs
  50. ordering in pizza
  51. happy endings...even if they're fictional
  52. flying a kite
  53. puppies
  54. root beer floats
  55. holding open the door...
  56. ...or having someone hold the door for you
  57. fountain soda
  58. white, fluffy towels
  59. sunshine
  60. spending an afternoon at a museum
  61. really great advice
  62. green lights all the way home
  63. the sound of rain hitting the windows
  64. sitting in a booth
  65. holding hands
  66. a great hair day with no effort
  67. building a fort with your kids
  68. when someone falls asleep with their head on your shoulder
  69. fireflies
  70. the perfect taco
  71. geraniums on a windowsill
  72. slow dancing
  73. the smell of fresh-baked bread
  74. cheesy, uplifting musicals
  75. great stories
  76. the smell of gasoline
  77. the cold side of the pillow
  78. love letters
  79. old friends...
  80. friends
  81. a pull-through parking space
  82. a baguette -- crisp on the outside, airy on the inside
  83. when a dog licks your hand
  84. sitting at the counter at an old-fashioned diner
  85. using your favorite dishes
  86. reading your child a bedtime story
  87. Girl Scout Cookies
  88. flossing
  89. kissing someone you love
  90. the smell of onions and garlic cooking
  91. hot chocolate
  92. jumping in puddles
  93. old photographs
  94. birds hopping on the sidewalk
  95. Ella Fitzgerald
  96. a spoonful of peanut butter straight from the jar
  97. your softest t-shirt
  98. a new magazine in the mail
  99. fireplaces
  100. having exact change
  101. bacon and pancakes cooking on Saturday morning

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Can it be true

I realized there are a lot of places which I travel to these days that I dun reli like (esp. bigger cities :S). It's rare to be able to find a place that you really like.
The hills of Lausanne is really close to that! It feels like being in Naoshima - waiting for buses in the beautiful nature for above 45 minutes... and the hills and seas. except i like the tall snowy mountains around Lake Geneva even more.

I was really quite annoyed with Paris yesterday, really wanted to leave sooner - the endless walking, and the overflowing amount of tourists. after all, it's like my 6th time there. enough. yet i desperately want another crepe before I go back to Great Britain......
I love Lausanne, especially this place i am living, no more smelly, no more room sharing, no more pubs downstairs. 

only a room all my own, with balcony, with lake geneva, with pine trees, birds, wooden everything, own bathroom, free wifi, and most important of all - two beautiful cats. I feel like I can spend a long long time here. Europe is so great
If the room is vacant longer, i will change my flight, and my train ticket to stay longer, hope it is la!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Where's Maoshan('s wallet) most dangerous

First encounter with Parisian children books, one of a kind. very designer, very cool! Loveeee them! Spend around 50 euro on them.... errr... very in control ga la...

Friday, March 19, 2010

I love the size of my Macaroon

Lunch in the park

Sunday, March 7, 2010


[jacko - 如果可以回到過去 - 你會跟自己說什麼?]

聽下去 聽生活呢喃
小心翼翼的 枯葉也 只好躺下
滑出 再滑出

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I know these are on Facebook... but hey two shows down!! (well more than two but the other performances are insignificant....)

Mixolydians do Chester Winter CarnivaleChester never disappoints! The little town with its ice-carving competition, cook-out chili, tractor parade, family crowd, street performers (such as ourselves) and oh, free beads! lol So fun.

Bad Island
Ben Bernstein's music senior thesis project, an opera adopted from the children's book Rotten Island (the illustrator is the same as the one who drew all of Roald Dahl's books!). About an island full of ugly monsters who love to hate ("We love our rotten life//we love hating and hissing...") and only know ugliness; until one day a mysterious flower grew in the middle of the island ("a thing of intense ugliness has arisen"), literally freaked the monsters out... They could not compromise on what to do with the flower ("I hate it when I don't know what to think or what to do"). In the end the novel concept of "beauty" created so much fear and confusion on the bad island that war erupted, and in the end all the monsters died ("everyone has succeeded in killing everyone// the island is a gigantic heap of dead...") It's quite intense for a children's story! Ok now I have all the Bad Island music runnign through my head again (hope you realize that all in parenthesis are lyrics...)

Anyways, great production! I learned a lot about running big events and working with people from the production team; these people are awesome and they will go far in the future!

What's left: Another music thesis symphony performance, another music thesis concert that I might be in, and Sweeney Todd pit orchestra. Of course Mixolydians final concert too.

I'm going to Mexico next week :)


Japanese architecture is really one of a kind, its ambition and achievement, simplicity and relationship with the wider context, so different from western architecture. 
I mean just even look at their architects! 
Careful thinkers vs. full-of-themselves
I'm sorry. I am sure they are all good.... 
Who doesn't love their work?
(left) SANAA, Ryue Nishizawa & Sejima (L); (right) Masterrr Tadao Ando

And of course we also have our western masters : Zaha Hadid + Rem Koolhaas

喂喂心 says: (9:27:32 AM)一個似迪士尼啲妖婦
喂喂心 says: (9:27:50 AM)一個似偏激固執老頭, terrible -_-" 相由心生

Maoshan says: (9:28:26 AM)how about sejima, how about ando?!?!? lol
喂喂心 says: (9:29:38 AM)佢地幅相好無印 -.-
日式簡約和諧 苦學成才樣

Remaining's yours to judge

Monday, March 1, 2010

Travel - reality and wish

In March, will be travelling to Manchester. 
18th March - Paris - meet with Seizo Tashima, his wife and assistant - and visit his exhibition; with Debs - first two days; meet with Diana; will wanna travel to suburb, with nice open view and relaxing cafes
Bologna - The world's largest annual children's book fair - which Seizo will be participating too
Lausanne - European beauty, visit SANAA newest building, hope my friends here will join. (to be confirmed) Really quite wanna go to Lausanne though. 
 Always quite wanted to go to Saint-Emilion?Provence? Was always on my wishlist? Maybe WWOOF for a short while? But just wanna relax, find a reli relaxing place at either Lausanne or Provence, with bathtub and starlight... to JUST ....... enjoy nature and serenity. 

Chihiro Museum, Japan 
Revisit - Crayon House, Omotesando, Japan
Revisit - Kanazawa
Revisit - Chichu Museum, Naoshima, Japan (Tadao Ando) 
Revisit - Sushi at 梅丘 will i die from nostalgia, i will i know i will..... 
Museum of Literature, (Tadao Ando), Himeji
Revisit - Shinjuku d sushi, ramen, crab
Revisit - Hokkaido lavender field and music box house
Sendai Mediatheque - Toyo Ito 
Moriyama House - SANAA
A children's museum in Hiroshima
simple things like walking in 吉祥寺,自由の丘, 六本木...... 
Lisson Gallery, London

Friday, February 26, 2010

Interim Crit

: ) 

Was the 5th/6th to be crit-ed today, can't help but felt really scared all morning (still, after three years of crits), 打從心底的驚 for no reason, probably because this morning, one critic 一開口就勁challenge Doug (who's supposed to be quite ging) 

The critics we had today were
- Clive - a very ging critic who's the director of Malcolm Fraser Architects (who designed my fav building in Edinburgh - DANCEBASE!!) 
- Alexandra Heese, wonderful ging person, wife and student of our second year devil tutor
- Mark, our tutor
- Craig - from the Edinburgh City Council

Like Clive the critic, I don't understand why so many classmates fragmented their programme, which we both thought won't work, in a city with such horrible weather, and on such a transient site. 

I am so glad that they seems to really love mine, as it's completely opposite to any of the ones presented in the morning (not trying to show off lol) The site was actually a very difficult one, located at the edge of New Town and City Centre, and on top of the Leith Walk the only route that links to the leith area - it has been abandoned for like 40 years - (just like Kai tak and West Kowloon Cultural district) people always shy away from prominent site. 

My initial feeling towards the site was that it's just really transient, no one ever wants to stop there, because of its scale, and the facades around - a Cathedral that never opens - the New Town Georgian Building front that completely cuts off from the street - and the Omni Theatre - which is a theatre, and does not spill out to the road. Then now it's a roundabout - where cars go round and round - noisy - bright....

So I was thinking of something like avatar's tree or a zen stone, something simple, but like a beacon, where people will come here as a destination, not as a route. and something that connects, and stops that crazy stirring pot (at least a bit)

They thought my idea was really beautiful, and it's the first programme that actually sits amazingly in the site. Not trying to take all axis/routes in account - but work together with every viewpoint very well. 
"A simple building is the most complex one - most difficult to design" - said clive, and something I admire MOST ! 

But there would be a lot of small details to resolve - like how the programme would fit into the building, how to enter etc. 
All of which I am aware of, but need a lot of thinking to make it a simple, elegant but well resolved design. 

It really motivates me, even though what is remained is just tonnes of challenge, as those aren't my strength, but I really wish that this will be a project that I'd love.
Doing it for myself. 

Isn't it weird... I was made happy because of architecture again. so weird
We are looking forward to tomorrow :)